Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter from Edenbrook Farm

Happy Easter everyone! We have enjoyed the beginning of spring on the farm. Our chicks arrived one week ago. We decided on several varieties including Buff Orpington, Dominique, Araucana, and Rhode Island Reds. All arrived safely and are living in the office.
Gus and Clover are growing so fast. This will be the last week of bottles for Clover. All the goats will live together and we'll get ready for the llamas to arrive. Here are some pics of our growing "kids".
And lastly, David and I will be traveling to see two horses for our program. They are located in Wisconsin, and are both Norwegian Fjords. A very exciting time and whirlwind trip is ahead! Here is a beautiful photo of Sophie, a been-there-done-that kind of girl. I'll post pics of Gustav, the other horse, very soon.


Agape Hill Farm said...

What a beautiful horse! Keep me posted on the llamas. And, um, I don't think you're going to want those chicks in the office for very long. They are so cute at first by within a week or so they make SO much dust!

Ingrid said...

Hi Vicky~ I just added an update on my blog about your terrific Edenbrook Farm program. Congratulations on seeing your dream come true. What a wonderful collection of farm animals you have now. Oh yes, Solvin sends his soft 'nickers' to you. Please stop by for a visit at: Bye for now, Ingrid