Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Future in Farming

The Velikys just returned from a week on the farm. We spent 5 days at Cornerstone Farm completing their Farm Mentorship Program learning about all kinds of livestock. It was great fun and a lot of hard work. Our schedule started at 6:30 for coffee, 7:00 morning chores, 9:00 farmer's breakfast, 10:00 Farm School, 1:00 Lunch, 2:00 Hands on Experience, 5:00 Evening farm chores, 7:00 Dinner. We covered the care and maintenance of Miniature Jersey Cows, Nigerian Goats, Barbados Sheep, Sicilian Donkeys, Chickens, Geese, Quail, Turkeys and Guineas. Here are a couple of pictures.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter is coming!

I was thinking today that I should sit down and open my Bible. The day got busy and I still haven't cracked it open. I am so thankful for all that God has provided for me, but I am especially thankful for the loving sacrifce of His son, Jesus Christ. I am looking forward to church this week, and to the new life we'll celebrate on Sunday.

Please pray for guidance and direction in my life. I wish to glorify God in everything I do. But, sometimes the path is so hard to see. Pray that I can look for the joy in all things. God's plan is amazing!

Happy Easter everyone!

Tinkerbell's Last Day

March 18, 2008. Tinkerbell Veliky was put to sleep today. Dr. Ed made her transition to heaven a smooth one and she is finally able to truly rest. We don't know how old Tink was, being that she was a stray, but she was our first ever cat for 7 1/2 years. We have fond memories of her sweet personality and tiny stature. Our favorites are sitting on the Playstation box and sleeping under the wood stove. She was Dave's cat and she couldn't wait for him to sit down in the evenings so she could make biscuits on his shirt. She battled many health problems, which in the end made it very hard for us to continue her care. Have a nice long rest, Tink. God bless you.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

First Snow of 2008

It's January 17th and snowing like crazy! The kids trudged off to school at their regular time, but now the buses are turning around and bringing them home. It will be a Snow Day after all! This is a day for mac-n-cheese, hot chocolate, and dvd movies.

Monday, January 7, 2008

I saw a bee

I can't believe it's 75 degrees today! This has been such a great break from Old Man Winter. While I was at the farm cutting back some old mums, I saw a bee fly by. It's January! Amazing. I'm now on my way out-the-door to watch Jack play kickball. He asked if the pool was open yet. Ha. I hope all of my VA friends had a great day in the sunshine. God Bless!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Heard it on the radio

Have you ever been thinking about something and a song comes on the radio that reiterates exactly how your feeling? Wow! I had that experience today. Try listening to SpiritFM 90.1 and I'll bet the same thing will happen to you!