Monday, December 31, 2007

8 in 2008

It's the last day of 2007. I'm thinking about 2008 and what I want to see happen in my life and at Edenbrook Farm. I found a blogspot called where the author is challenging everyone to "Live Intentionally: 8 in 2008." "You pick 8 things you want to see, do, feel, or experience in 2008. Your list can be spiritual, emotional, physical, but not too material! If the Lord leads you, dream as big as your heart desires and be willing to see His work accomplished through you." That sounds a lot better than a plain old New Year's Resolution! So far I've thought of some of my 8's:

1. Invite a different couple, family, single person from my church who I don't know very well over for dinner, or out to lunch, 8 times this year.

2. Eat organic produce and/or meats at least once a week in 2008.

3. Continue riding western and learn to rope a cow by the end of 2008.

4. Organize an event to raise money for the Hydrocephalus Foundation, in honor of my 4 year old nephew.

5. Read all of my books on how to have a Hobby Farm.

6. Read the Bible and transfer verses and reflections in my journal every day.

7. Make breakfast for my family every day.

8. Help my kids with their school choices.

Join me in this 8 in 2008! Check in at Extravagant Grace and sign up! Vicky


Lisa said...

Awesome list! So glad you're participating!

Blessings, extravagantly,

GranthamLynn said...

Hi, I just came over from extravagant grace and had to tell you I love your #1 on your 08 list. That is something that I have done in the past but well life sometimes boggs you down. Thank you for reminding me of just another way to serve the Lord. I am still working on my 8 I'll be posting soon. This is taking some thought and prayer. I do think I have my #1 though. Blessings and I have to say I also loved the first part of your blog and your discription of the farm. I understand. I wish I could add the riding to my list. I am just happy to have some hayburners!